Dear LifePointe Family,
We invite you to pray for the "harvest" of people coming to faith in Christ. We annually dedicate 21 days to these words of Jesus, "The harvest truly [is] great, but the laborers [are] few; therefore PRAY the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest (Luke 10:2 NKJV).” While our January's Awakening Fast is dedicated to our own renewal with God, in August we dedicate heart-focus to those who are distant to Him; all in preparation for the September-October harvest season. We have noticed two annual spikes of guest attendance, one in January and the other in mid-August through October. 21 Days of Prayer prepares us to lead them to Christ, renewal and restoration.
Everything begins with prayer. We have built this kind of DNA into our church culture. For 21 days beginning July 30th we will be providing resources to pray for our neighbors, schools, acquaintances, friends, co-workers, etc. to come to faith in Christ.
- 21 Days of Prayer Guide (Click to download)
- Prayer FirePits (Sundays @ 11:45 - July 30, August 6, August 13)
- Prayer Training Collectives (Sundays @ 7pm - led by Ken Whiteside)
These 21 days of prayer culminates into our Fall message series, AT THE MOVIES, designed with guests in mind. Begin thinking of the people you will invite to this series. Consider connecting now with each of them so when the day comes for the invitation your relationship investments are worthy of a withdrawal. Incredible days are in front of us!
Win the day!
Click on the PRAYER GUIDES below to access the prayer slides we used on the date listed to the right of the graphic.