Do you ever long for greater connections with God in prayer? Would you like to simply sit in a prayerful atmosphere and let God's presence minister to you? Do you want to expand your prayer life, maybe even staying in God's presence for greater spans of time? Do you wish to have mentors to model how prayer teaching can be engaged in real life? Well PRAYER & WORSHIP FRIDAYS are for YOU!!!
Praying with others, in an inspired environment, is an amazing way to gain exponential connection and growth. These PRAYER & WORSHIP FRIDAYS are powerful to help you connect with God, for training in how to pray Scripture, and even how to convert those prayers into worship songs. PRAYER & WORSHIP FRIDAYS emphasize experience in prayer and worship, more than lecture teaching.
The intimate life of a Christ-follower requires communication, and that is what prayer is. During the 21-day fast, join us for an hour (or two) of highly energized prayer. Come as you are, but leave different than you came. One moment in God's presence changes everything!
Friday, January 11 @ 7.PM (RED INK REVIVAL)
Friday, January 18 @ 7.PM
In the LifePointe Sanctuary.
Yes. There will be childcare provided for kids 4 and under. For children 5 and older we encourage parents to bring their kids into the sanctuary experience. Even if kids are coloring or sleeping they will become marked by the presence of the Lord.