It is an incredible opportunity to be partnering with our consultants at FOCUS412 and you. This next season is going to be a great and fruitful season.
We desired to get an understanding of how the people who call LifePointe "home" engage and experience our church. We asked for your assistance and you responded. Thank you for your generous investment of time and thoughts. Your participation is proving to be very helpful in planning for the future.
(SURVEY DATE 07-01-2018)
SALVATIONS - 24% of respondents came to faith at LifePointe, and now report Growing or Fully Devoted.
GROWTH - 18% were new believers when they arrived at LifePointe, and now report Growing or Fully Devoted. 82% of respondents identify as being Fully Devoted to Christ now.
GROUPS/TEAMS PARTICIPATION - 84-86% report to be in regular attendance at Groups and on Teams.
GENEROSITY - 63% give 10% or more of their income, while another 18% give between 5-9% (total of both = 81%).
INVITING OUTSIDERS - 80% has invited 1 or more unchurched friends to LifePointe over the past 12 months.
BAPTISM - 39% were baptized at LifePointe.
SPIRITUAL LANGUAGES - 29% experienced speaking in a spiritual language for the first time at LifePointe.
UNDERSTANDING CORE DOCTRINES OF REDEMPTION - 86% have grown in their understanding of our core doctrinal competences (Redemption, Authority of the Believer and the Holy Spirit) since attending LifePointe.
LIFE IS DEFINITELY BETTER - Many report experiencing "Moderate" to "Significant" increases in the following areas of their lives due to attending LifePointe. (The percentages include those whom the topic does not apply). RELATIONALLY - 94%. MARRIAGE - 61%. PARENTING - 61%. FINANCIALLY/PROFESSIONALLY - 74%. EMOTIONALLY/MENTALLY - 94%. SPIRITUALLY - 98%.
VISION, VALUES AND DIRECTION - 90% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" alignment with LifePointe's VISION, with 8% more reporting "average" (total = 98%). 88% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" alignment with LifePointe's core VALUES, with 8% more reporting "average" (total = 96%). 84% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" alignment with our Pastoral LEADERSHIP and DIRECTION of LifePointe, with 10% more reporting "average" (total = 94%).
GROUPS EXPERIENCE - 69% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with Groups, with 22% more reporting "average" (total = 91%).
CALENDAR/SCHEDULE REQUIREMENTS - 54% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with the busy-ness of LifePointe and time requirements, with 30% more reporting "average" (total = 84%).
WORKSHOP EXPERIENCE - 56% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with Workshops, with 24% more reporting "average" (total = 80%).
WEBSITE EXPERIENCE - 55% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with MYLIFEPOINTE.COM, with 20% more reporting "average" (total = 75%). 66% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with POINTE.INFO, with 14% more reporting "average" (total = 80%).
WORSHIP EXPERIENCE - 92% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with our worship SINGING, with 2% more reporting "average" (total = 94%). 94% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with the STYLE of our worship singing, with 4% more reporting "average" (total = 98%).
PREACHING EXPERIENCE - 88% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with our preaching TOPICS, with 8% more reporting "average" (total = 96%). 92% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with our preaching STYLE (quality/delivery), with 4% more reporting "average" (total = 96%). 79% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with our LENGTH of preaching, with 17% more reporting "average" (total = 96%).
CREATIVE PRODUCTION OF SUNDAYS (AUDIO, LIGHTING, FOG, GRAPHICS, ETC) - 83% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with our AUDIO quality and decibel loudness, with 13% more reporting "average" (total = 96%). 77% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with our theatrical LIGHTING and FOG that support our productions, with 19% more reporting "average" (total = 96%). 74% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" experience with our GRAPHIC DESIGNS that support our productions, with 19% more reporting "average" (total = 93%).
CULTURE OF TRUST AND UNITY - 68% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" in perceiving/experiencing LifePointe TRUST, with 30% more reporting "average" (total = 98%). 58% report feeling a "strong" or "very strong" in perceiving/experiencing LifePointe UNITY, with 38% more reporting "average" (total = 96%).
OVERALL HAPPINESS - 86% report being "happy" or "very happy" overall at LifePointe, with 8% more reporting "average" (total = 94%).