Triumph Ministries is the name of our LifePointe developmental and recovery groups and resources.
"We are developing excellence
in Biblical masculinity and femininity,
as we help people recover from
anxiety, rage, depression, compulsivity and addiction."
CONQUER develops men in Biblical masculinity and servant leadership, including sexual integrity and health. CONQUER is for any man desiring to be the man God designed them to be. We defy the cultural norms of what manhood is, to lay hold of what God designed. We dig into all areas of a man's life, including their sexuality, benefiting singles and marrieds alike for real intimacy, a better home life, giving clarity, focus and purpose. This group grows in understanding Biblically, psychologically and neurobiologically how fantasy, arousal, compulsion and so much more, happen inside a man.
The CONQUER process focuses on the ardent desires of sexuality, but spans into every part of a man's behavioral and emotional life. Ultimately, this process helps a man live out Biblical masculinity. CONQUER begins with an annual video course. Then, for those who are ready to take the plunge into something radical for reaching into the deepest regions of a man's soul, there is an 11-month journey, where men meet weekly on Saturdays. There is a workbook, a journal and a book that take on an adventure with God and Brothers that you will be grateful for!
FREEDOM is a group of men and women, young and old, who have or are struggling with any form of anxiety, rage, depression, compulsive behavior or addiction (alcohol, sex, porn, tobacco, opiates, meth, gambling, shopping and everything else). Our pastor is a Certified Multiple Addiction Professional with the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals, and has developed Ministry Hosts to facilitate freedom on every level. FREEDOM resources 10-months of Saturdays working through a workbook and various videos. Once a person understands the Biblical, psychological and neurobiological reasons behind the struggle, repair can begin to happen spirit, soul and body. FREEDOM is an amazing process that looks at the roots of what drives a person's behavior. Workbook worksheets and guidance into self-discovery, learning where the emotional lies that have driven destructive behaviors are, and how to reprocess the brain for a Christ-like new life. You really will be amazed at what God will do in just a few months.
If you are interested in knowing more, please fill out the below form. One of our Ministry Hosts will contact you to answer questions and connect you to a life-changing process.