LIFEPOINTE REVIVALS are spiritual, relational and theological experiences that includes extended worship times, soaking times in God’s presence, Bible teaching for experiential applications, prophetic gifts, expectations for the miraculous and so much more. Encountering a relational experience with God, in the group of friends and spiritual family, will mark you for eternity. The bonds that form through these shared moments are hard to put appropriate words to. One revival will do more for you in a moment than thousands of other resources can do in years. Come join us for a revival and see for yourself.
Childcare is available for preschool and nursery. All children elementary and older are encouraged to experience the presence of God with us.
Revivals train people for an unwavering theological foundation, experiential application and real life encounters with God, leading people to the REAL JESUS and the POWER OF REDEMPTION!
"Redemption" is the Biblical term for "the gospel." It has to do with all aspects of Jesus' mission to set people free from the effects of sin. Our understanding of Redemption determines how we view God, ourselves, and others. It also is how we make meaning of human suffering; Redemption is the foundation for finding hope and power to live beyond our present pain.
At LifePointe, we frame up Redemption in four categories:
The Science of Freedom: Understanding why you do what you do, from roots in the heart and soul to compulsive behaviors. The topics include:
Biblical Freedom (theology correlated with neuroscience and psychology)
Trauma Recovery
Relationship Boundaries
Renewing the Mind
Spiritual Disciplines
And more
Redemption Basics: Understanding what Christ accomplished at the Cross, revealing God's unwavering goodness towards us. The topics include:
Understanding God's Sovereignty and Man's Freewill
The Forgiveness of Sin and Restorative Power
Our Identity in Christ
The Power of a Born Again Spirit
Emotional Restoration
Spiritual Laws that Govern Blessing and Cursing
Miracle Healing and Strength
Miracle Provision and Prosperity
Miracle Protection and Safety
Making Sense of Human Suffering
The Blood Covenant
And more
Redemption is about "What Christ DID!"
Authority of the Believer: Understanding our free moral responsibility and authority to activate what Christ accomplished at the Cross. The topics include:
Authority in Redemption
Lifestyle Faith (what is is, how it works, how to activate it)
Experiencing Grace
The Name of Jesus
The Power of Positive Declarations
Taking Responsibility for a Better Life
Fulfilling the Great Commission
And more
The Authority of the Believer is about "What we DO in response to what Christ DID!"
The Holy Spirit: Understanding God's partnership in us, enabling us to use spiritual authority, accessing all that Christ did in Redemption. The topics include:
Who Is the Holy Spirit
God Inside the Believer
How God Guides/Speaks
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
The Beauty of Spiritual Languages ("unknown tongues")
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Anointing to Represent Christ
Miracle Ministry
Personal Callings and Assignments
Daily Activations to Love People Well
And more
The Holy Spirit topics are about "What God's partnership DOES to help us DO what Christ DID!"