LifePointe Family,
I am pleased to share an opportunity to make LifePointe greater than ever. We have partnered with some ministry friends who specialize in church coaching, led by Philip Engle. We would love to have you take a survey, give us authentic feedback and help us move forward in growth. Candor is important. The survey will protect your anonymity. It is estimated to take between 10-20 minutes.
If you are a couple, it would be great to hear from you both. If you are a teenager, yet your parents are taking the survey, please jump in and leverage your age to see through your eyes too. The more feedback we get the better we are positioned to be better at introducing people to the real Jesus and the power of Redemption.
If you can, drop what you are doing and take the survey now. It would be very helpful. If you must wait, please do take it an the next few days. We need you!
Thanks for doing life and making a difference with us!
It is an incredible opportunity to be partnering with you in this next season. We at focus412 exists to help raise the lid of leadership in the church to see the church grow as a whole. This is primarily done through a long term partnership where we help explore the current health of the church and leadership while walking hand in hand through a process of aligning the desired vision with most effective methods of ministry.
Through this process it is important to us to get an understanding of how the people who call LifePointe home engage and experience church. To do this, we need your assistance. Please take some time to give us your honest feedback through the survey link below:
Remember as you share your experience it is important, for the benefit of the church as a whole, to be transparent “...speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ” (Ephesians 4:15 NIV). Please submit your surveys by July 1st to be processed and analyzed in order to help in our partnership for continued organizational health and development.
Thank you for your investment.
Philip Engle