Here are videos from credible sources discussing popular misconceptions regarding what the Bible says about slavery, social justice, patriarchy, and LGBTQ+, and why you can have confidence that the Bible is inspired by God and authoritative to build your life on.
DISCLAIMER: These videos are provided and recommended by Pastor Patrick Norris for these specified topics, but this does not mean that Pastor Patrick aligns with everything being said in these videos. Also, the speakers may have other videos on varied topics that Pastor Patrick may not recommend.
Evaluation filters Pastor Patrick uses to determine biases are:
1. Do the speakers embrace authority and inerrancy of Scripture? Pastor Patrick’s position is the original manuscripts of the Bible are without error or fault in all its teaching.
2. Are the speakers biased in perspectives of Calvinist (micro-Sovereignty of God), Arminian (micro-human goodness), or Moderate (God is Sovereign, humans have free will, and interpreting the context with original governing spiritual laws)? Pastor Patrick’s position is Moderate.
3. Do the speakers show biases as Cessationists (the miracle gifts have ceased with the first Apostolic generation), or Continuationists (the miracle gifts are still in operation today)? Pastor Patrick’s position is Continuationist.
4. Do the speakers show biases as Complementarianists (women are restricted in roles and ministry related to men), or Egalitarianists (women have no gender restrictions to serve in positions of preaching or authority over men)? Pastor Patrick’s position is Egalitarianist.
Filter 1 is considered an essential for Pastor Patrick. While filters 2-4 are considered non-essential to the Christian faith, they do have trajectory outcomes that impact quality of life, interpreting suffering, and activating Holy Spirit experiences. Not all the speakers will agree on all these filter points. Pastor Patrick recommends you to “eat the hay and leave the sticks,” and enjoy the great content in these videos. Pastor Patrick’s hope is that each of you will–with experienced familiarity–develop trust in those speakers who hold to historical orthodoxy of the Christian faith and practice.
Frank Turek is a reliable apologist. Subscribe to him after watching the video.
This is a healthy perspective of Biblical slavery. Check it out.
Here is a great video to explain Biblical genocide.
This video deals with a compassionate, but uncompromising perspective on Critical Theory. It is a must watch. You will hear words of "Critical Theory", "intersectionality", "corporate sin", "equality (applied as equity)", "oppression structures", "systems of oppression", "hate", etc. It is a perspective other than what we hear in so many media outlets, books and promotions today. This is provided to help us understand the topics, not to diminish our Christian responsibility to intensely oppose real racism, or other real intersectional oppression.
This is provided for Christians to see how you can have a conversation with someone who you fundamentally disagree with, while holding on to your sense of Self, so that you can offer relational compassion without compromising what you believe to be truth.
On the Unbelievable show, Dr. Sean McDowell, an PhD of Apologetics and Philosophy at Talbot and Biola University (and a favorite of Pastor Patrick) had a discussion with Jon Steingard, former lead singer of Hawk Nelson, who announced that he no longer considers himself a Christian. The show has been so well received that they decided to continue the conversation about belief, unbelief, the Christian faith, and to take live questions.
Along with interviews and other short videos, Dr. Sean McDowell is starting to do regular LIVE Q&A periods on YouTube. We invite you to join him. He doesn't pretend to have all the answers, but loves to engage ethical, biblical, apologetic, and topics related to Gen Z.
The evidence for the existence of the soul is stronger than many people think. In this video, Dr. Sean McDowell interviews philosopher J.P. Moreland about how we know the soul is real and why it matters. If you have ever questioned whether neuroscience and the processes in the brain replaces experiences with God, this is a great listen.
Professor J.P. Moreland presents Who Defines What is Real as part of the event Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique, hosted by Biola University. If you wonder if God, experiences with God, or other experiences are real, this is for you.
In this clip, historian and philosopher Gary Habermas provides an overview of the evidence for the Resurrection in about 5 minutes. His approach is called the "Minimal Facts" approach.
Some Christian's today accuse the traditional view of atonement as being cosmic child abuse, by God punishing Christ for our sin. What do you do with that? Alisa Childers interviews Dr. Craig about key aspects of his new book, Atonement and the Death of Christ, and asks him to respond to quotes from progressive Christians regarding penal substitution.
Dr. Norman Geisler has been a favorite theologian/philosopher Pastor Patrick for years. His logical work on how a loving God could allow for evil in the world is masterful.
Kenneth Hagin's work on The Authority of the Believer has transformed Pastor Patrick's life for over 40 years. Pastor feel deep affection just seeing the video. Listen and build confidence around this amazing reality of spiritual authority.
Hugh Ross is an astrophysicist who first came to faith in Christ after studying physics. He tells his fascinating story of realizing that God exists and that the Bible is more reliable than the second law of thermodynamics. Pastor Patrick has appreciated and followed Dr. Ross for over 25 years.
This is a conversation with Allie Beth Stuckey and both of the hosts of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker. They are discussing the idea of "liberation theology" as espoused by Ibram X. Kendi, and how it gets both human nature and the Bible totally wrong. The opening video shows Kendi speaking about the gospel as not focused on our sin and need for a Savior, but our need to revolutionize the world through activism of social justice. Darrel and Virgil show how heretical and dangerous the whole idea of redefining the gospel is. Yet our culture is pervasively impacted by these types of ideas.
Interesting perspectives and exploration regarding deconstruction of faith.
Another interesting analysis of a "pastor"–a smart and gracious man–who isn't sure about the Bible's authority, and in other interviews doesn't embrace the resurrection of Christ. Bobby Conway does a good job of thinking through that as an apologist who does believe in the authority of the Bible.
Another interesting conversation on progressive Christianity with John Cooper from the band Skillet.
An interesting non-religious conversation/debate about Critical Theory. Pastor Patrick found the conversation helpful. This is not intended to pull a political topic out of context. But because Pastor views Critical Theory's roots in Marxism, and many of the tenets under that heading to be directly opposed to a Biblical worldview, this is necessary conversation both in the secular and in the sacred.
Dr Brown is a charismatic theologian and expert on Jewish issues. Here he talks about the Bible and accusations of error. Enjoy!
Dr Brown is a charismatic theologian and expert on Jewish issues. Here he continues a talk about the Bible and accusations of error. Enjoy!
Dr. Brown talks deconstruction and progressive Christianity. This is not intended to overwhelm you if you are exploring ideas, nor to shut you up. It is to to help you think honestly about the topic by providing an opposing view to what former Christians are promoting.
Another podcast that deals with various issues in the deconstruction and progressive Christianity arena. Our intention is not to power up on those who have doubts, or who are reconstructing the roots of what they believe, or those who have decided they are "out." This is to give a deeper perspective and counter arguments to the critical mass that is emerging. It is not our desire to control what someone believes; however, it is our intention to challenge ideas in the culture to help people make honest analysis of the deeper thoughts on these topics.
Now for faith-filling, facing life with confidence preaching.
Keith Moore is a friend Pastor Patrick has watched for years. Keith is someone Pastor trusts in motive, heart, and vision. During Pastor’s week(s) he listens to theology, philosophy, debates, psychology, neuroscience, etc. But he always want his faith fed beyond just apologetics, in ways that bolsters his heart with courage to move mountains and take down giants. There is no one better in his files of friends and preachers than Keith. Keith is old school and traditional. His heart is authentic, pure gold, and on fire. Pastor is beyond grateful for Keith’s gift to the body of Christ, and to him personally.
If you are desiring to grow in your understanding and heart-faith for healing, Keith's Faith School is highly recommended.
On an inspirational side, this song inspires Pastor and for this season is his new favorite!
William Lane Craig Reacts to Progressive View of the Atonement - William Lane Craig – Alisa Childers.
William Lane Craig joins Alisa Childers to respond to progressive Christians like Brian Zhand, Richard Rohr, William Paul Young, Steve Chalke, and Rob Bell about the atonement.
Near Death Experiences: The Evidence – Sean McDowell and Dr. J. Steve Miller.
What's the evidence Near-Death Experiences really happen? And what do they prove? In this interview, Sean talks with Dr. J. Steve Miller about his book Near-Death Experiences As Evidences for the Existence of God and Heaven.
What is the Truth About Hell? – Provoke & Inspire Show – Alisa Childers – Ben Pierce, Chad Johnson, David Pierce, and Luke Greenwood.
In this episode, the regulars talk with apologist Alisa Childers (formerly of the band ZOEgirl) about the reality of hell, and whether our view of it is truly scriptural, cultural, or a mixture of both. Don't miss this insightful and incredibly important discussion!
Are There Different Levels in Hell? – Michael Heiser.
Are there different degrees of punishment and circles of hell in the Bible? Will Hitler and a relatively moral unbeliever get the same punishment? Scripture is clear that there are different degrees of both punishment and reward in the afterlife, both in heaven and hell. This may bring up images from Dante's Inferno and the circles of hell, or Milton's Paradise Lost. The truth is, if there are different degrees of reward in heaven, why wouldn't there be degrees of punishment in hell?
Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife: A Conversation with Randy Alcorn – Sean McDowell & Rand Alcorn.
Did the doctrine of Hell evolve over time? Did Jesus teach annihilation? In this interview, Sean gets to talk with author Randy Alcorn about the latest book from Bart Ehrman: Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife.
How Bad is America’s “Christian Nationalism” Problem? – Allie Beth Stuckey – Nathan Finochio.
Today, Allie is talking to Nathan Finochio, founder of TheosU online seminary. What is "Christian nationalism" exactly? Are they really as widespread among evangelicals as the Left thinks? They also talk about the idea of American imperialism, and whether deconstructionism coming from progressive Christians is more dangerous than the perceived Christian nationalism coming from the Right.
Answering Bart Ehrman - Were There Multiple Versions of the Gospels in the Earliest Christianity? With Andreas Kostenberger – Alisa Childers.
New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman has popularized the idea that early Christianity was very diverse in its definition of the gospel, and it was simply the winners of theological debates that got to decide orthodoxy. In this episode, New Testament scholar Andreas Köstenberger joins Alisa to discuss this idea, and why he and many other scholars disagree with the Bauer/Ehrman thesis.
How Christians Can Speak Biblical Truth into a Toxic Culture – Alisa Childers – Erwin Lutzer.
Erwin Lutzer joins Alisa to discuss how Christians can live out our convictions in a growing tide of hostility. In a culture of outrage and victimhood, how can we recognize and reject the toxic responses secular culture disguises as solutions while continuing to publicly testify the truth of the gospel?
Same-Sex Unions: EVERYTHING the Bible Says about It – Sean McDowell and Darrin Snyder Belousek.
This video is one of the most in-depth and biblically-focused teachings on same-sex unions that you may find. With over 3 hours of content, in a very careful and methodical manner, Dr. Darrin Snyder Belousek and Sean discuss the biblical case for natural marriage and respond to the most pressing revisionist arguments.
0:00 Intro
4:02 How are Same Sex Unions portrayed in the Book of Genesis
1:12:14 What did Jesus have to say about Same Sex Unions
2:15:29 Responding to Revisionist Ideas about Same Sex Unions in the Bible
A Christian Understanding of Social Justice – JP Moreland.
Is the contemporary movement of Diversity, Social Justice, and White Privilege consistent with Christianity? The Reveal Conference presents well-known Christian scholar Dr. J.P. Moreland as he answers this question.
Christians and the LGBTQ+ Conversation: A Powerful Story of Redemption – Sean McDowell and Rachel Gilson.
Rachel Gilson has a powerful story of finding faith at Yale. As a same-sex attracted atheist, she wanted nothing to do with God. But all that changed. Sean interviews Rachel about her story and raises some of the toughest, pressing questions related to LGBTQ relationships.
Embodied: Transgender Identities and the Church – Think Biblically Podcast - Sean McDowell, Scott Rae, and guest Preston Sprinkle.
Dr. Preston Sprinkle is a professor, speaker, and a New York Times bestselling author. He earned a Ph.D. in New Testament from Aberdeen University in Scotland (2007), and he currently is the director for the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender. He hosts the popular podcast “Theology in the Raw” and is the author of the recent book Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church, and What the Bible Has to Say.