We are excited to announce that the Fall Sunday Schedule will feature 2 amazing services:
- Allowing you to SERVE every week in full passion for the mission of Christ
- Allowing you to EXPERIENCE the full power of worship each weekend
- Allowing you to INVITE unchurched friends to sit with you at the service you attend
The Fall Schedule is only 10 weeks long, August 21 to October 23. We will evaluate the variables and release or Holiday Schedule for Nov and December in early October.
You may be wondering, “Why 2 Services?” There are several but for here are a few:
FIRST, we want to do everything within our power to lead people into a relationship with Christ! Church strategist have learned that when a sanctuary is more than 80% full people quit attending; the guests are first to take the off-ramp. In May and June we averaged 93% of our sanctuary’s capacity, sometimes spilling over into lobby seating. When you go to a movie, you want the theater to be full, but not too full. Most of us like having an empty seat between us and people we don’t know. The same is true in church. Two services give us the ability to do that. Every September, with schools starting and calendars being stabilized, we show a spike in attendance. And people LOVE choices and options. Also, statistical history shows that launching 2 Services often jumps the growth of the church by around 20%...that equals to about 50 new members at LifePointe. We want to be ready to impact these people for Christ…that makes our hearts beat fast!
SECOND, we want to provide the best spiritual care for our Hero Teams! Right now if one our Kids Teams members is scheduled for a Sunday morning they will miss the service. Also, when we have guest speakers everyone serving that day misses the full experience. Our First Impressions Teams often miss the first portion of every service. They can listen to our online sermons afterward but it is not the same as being in the room with your church family, singing together, laughing together, praying together and hearing the same preaching experience together. With 2 Services, instead of someone serving once a month in the KidsLife, they can actually serve every week and still be in service. Relationships to the kids are greater, ministry is greater, connection to the vision is greater! Overall 2 Services allows more opportunities to serve, without missing church. You can serve one and attend one. And we anticipate an increase in our serving team involvement with those who have never served before. Everybody wins!
THIRD, we want YOU, our most talented Heroes and influencers, to be empowered to invite every week! With only 1 Service being offered, our most talented and influential Heroes have to dial in on their serve-team responsibilities, preventing them from fully engaging invitations each week. Today when you invite friends you have to jump the schedule hoops to insure you can sit with them, which is one of the power-principles of the church invitation. But now, providing 2 Services, YOU can invite your unchurched friends to come ANY week they want. Our dream is to have a church full of people who daily extend invitations to people, using our Invite Cards, social media and friendly chats to reach people. Without 2 Services our best evangelists are unable to use their God-given graces to reach people.
This leads us to our Serve One – Attend One Vision.
Our vision to maximize your experience, as well as Christ’s commission, is for every LifePointer to Serve in one service and Attend the other.
SERVE ONE - By using your gifts and energies every week you are having a direct impact on someone’s “one day,” the day they surrendered their heart to Christ. We have never been interested in filling slots to fulfill a work task; our driving vision is to give our best energies and talents to overwhelm the hearts of those who are desperate for an encounter with Jesus. Our Heroes Team embodies this passion, serving to make our lives count for greater and eternal things. With 2 Services you can now serve every week and feel the joy of directly impacting lives. What a privilege to offer such things to Jesus! We plan to have special support for your kids as they navigate the same 2 Service experience. We dream of everyone SERVING every week in 1 our our 2 Services.
ATTEND ONE – We dream for all our Heroes Team members is that YOU benefit directly, and in an unfiltered manner, our weekly worship experiences. Whether it is a special topic being preached or a guest speaker unloading truth, we want YOU to be showered with the experience. We dream of you sitting with your church family loving, laughing and learning together. While most people don’t think they “need” to be on the receiving end of ministry every week, it’s like returning from a vacation, “I had no idea how bad I needed that time to refresh.” So it is with weekly worship experiences, you can’t know fully how bad you needed it till it happens to you. We also know every one of us will invite more freely as we know one service each weekend we are unencumbered with responsibilities. We dream of everyone ATTENDING every week.
The FALL SCHEDULE is only 10-weeks long. Let's maximize it for everything it's worth. And let's see what God does IN us, THROUGH us and FOR us!!
For our Fall Service Schedule, we are planning on the following times that feature a 1-hour and 15-minute experience.
- 9:30-10:45 – With an Amen Corner at 9:00
- 11:15-12:30 – With an Amen Corner at 11:00
21 DAYS OF PRAYER – What if we dedicated 21 days to these words of Jesus, "The harvest truly [is] great, but the laborers [are] few; therefore PRAY the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest (Luke 10:2 NKJV).” While our January Awakening Fast is dedicated to our own restoration with God, in August what if we dedicated to focusing our hearts to those who are distant to Him; all in preparation for the September-October harvest season? Everything begins with prayer. We want to build this kind of DNA into our church culture. So for 21 days beginning August 1st we will be hosting DAILY PRAYER from 6:30-7:30am (Mon-Fri) to pray for our neighbors, schools, acquaintances, friends, co-workers, etc. to come to faith in Christ. Pastor will send out a daily EMAIL BLAST of 3 Scriptures personalized for prayer to pray morning, noon and evening over the harvest. SPECIAL TOOLS to track your prayers will also be provided. Then on August 10 (Wed), 12 (Fri), 17 (Wed) and 19 (Fri) we will have FULL PRAYER SERVICES similar to FirePits. These 21 days of prayer culminates into our 2-Service launch and our Fall message series designed with guests in mind. Incredible days are in front of us.
INVITE CARDS – What if we took our passion for the harvest and looked to invite people everywhere we go? What if God used something as simple as your friendly energy and a little business-invite card to prompt someone to visit LifePointe? Now that we are offering 2 Services you can easily ask them to come to a specific service, meet you in the lobby and invite them to sit with you (all are critical pieces to a great invite). One simple act could spawn multiplied and complex outcomes. God just needs us to put feet to our faith and prayers; He will do the rest! New invite cards are being designed for this season.
DOOR HANGERS / PRAYER WALKS – We are tentatively planning on creating a new sermon series door-hanger initiative. The purpose is two-fold; first to walk the neighborhoods praying over the harvest and secondly to make a direct-invitational impact on our neighborhoods around LifePointe. We will probably launch out on Saturdays for an hour or two, desiring light connection and energized friendliness, and knowing it’s possible that we could have a spiritual moment with the people we meet.