LifePointe Church has been asked by Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church to partner with Pastor Joel & Victoria Osteen for a Night of Hope in Kansas City, Missouri on January 5th, 2018!  We are honored and thrilled to have this opportunity, and have invited other churches here in Greater Kansas City hosting this evening. We count it a privilege to be able to serve and love others as well as help people take the next step in their spiritual journey.

We anticipate 70% of our audience to stand in response to Joel’s clear call to faith (about 8,400+/- can be expected to respond). If you have never been to a Night of Hope, or if you have heard negative street talk about Joel, you really owe it to yourself and the Kingdom of God to witness this for yourselves.

We plan to host a very special guest speaker the Sunday following the Friday Night of Hope (, giving us an incredible “harvest” opportunity to gain new LifePointe members.

The Night of Hope Kansas City

takes place on January 5th, 2018, at 7:30pm at the Sprint Center.


  • VOLUNTEERS:  We need volunteers for Greeters, Ushers and Retail Workers (free tickets). Sign up at
  • PURCHASE GROUP TICKETS:  Some of you may want to attend, but desire to sit with extended family and friends. We will order a batch of LifePointe tickets for those who prefer not to Volunteer, but want to sit in a LifePointe group section. This is a great option if you want your personal family, elementary to youth children, or extended friends and family, to sit with you. These tickets are $20 per ticket.



Unfortunately, many people have seen social media criticisms and/or street talk questioning Joel. Tina and I have known of Joel, his Dad, and extended family for many years. Joel’s Dad, John, was a platform preacher-mentor to us. We have been in Joel’s home on a few occasions, and have many close friends who work with the Osteens. If Joel and Victoria were unknown we would count it an honor to be their friends, as they are some of the kindest, most sincere, innocent-hearted people we have ever known.

As you can imagine, there are massive amounts of fake news and wrong information that are circulated as truth about him. Because we have a close-up view - generally knowing how they made their money, to why they have a nice house, to why he dodges ethical-doctrine questions in TV interviews, to what really happened at Lakewood Church during the Houston floods - we are deeply saddened by the enemy’s perpetrating of untruths.

We vet our public partnerships and carry convictions that must align with the doctrines of ancient Christianity. If you have hesitations of any kind about Joel, feel free to reach out to me and have a healthy conversation as to why we support him and events like the Night of Hope. You might be surprised by the real Joel.

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