What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?



What would be your first response, or how would you process the following headlines from the vide

  • Peruvian Miracles
  • Kansas City Church – Speaking in Tongues
  • Healing of a Homeless Man
  • LifePointe – 3000 Saved In a Day
  • Friend’s Spiritual Dream
  • Guest Speaker – Liars Fall Dead in Church
  • Demons Cast Out
  • Baptism Transportation

JOHN 16:6-7 NKJV [Jesus said] But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to YOUR ADVANTAGE that I go away; for if I do not go away, THE HELPER will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.


  1. What was your understanding of the Holy Spirit before this week’s video?
  2. Why is having the Holy Spirit being active in our lives such an important part of our walk with Christ?
  3. How is the Holy Spirit being in us better than having Jesus on earth with us?
  4. In what ways are you living a Spirit-less life currently?
  5. Describe how you need His presence in your life. What steps are you willing to take to live a Spirit-filled life?


Prayer time with the Group. 


  • PRAY FOR GROUP MEMBER - Pray for at least one person in the Group. Try to identify someone who hasn't been prayed for, or given an encouraging Scripture. Don't worry about feeling inadequate as a prayer. No one feels like they are professional prayers, at least not when they look into eyes of the Almighty God. Praying the Scriptures over people is the best way to learn how to pray effectively. Simply find a Scripture, put the person's name in the text, and pray those words out loud. Then ask the Lord to help you think of things to say to Him about them that would help their lives. 
  • ASK FOR A SCRIPTURE WORD - Ask God to give you a Scripture to give them to encourage, comfort and edify them. You can Google search "God's Promises" and find a plethora of appropriate texts. Look for one that seems to give you a spark of energy as you think about the person you have been praying for.
  • DELIVER THE WORD TO THEM - Then send them an email, text or phone call to encourage them. This is how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. As you practice these movements you will expand your own capacity with God, all while giving people much needed hope and strength. 


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