How do you act when you want to avoid doing something?


PRAYER EXAMPLE:  Heavenly Father, thank you for this time to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit, speak to and through us, that we may grow closer to you and deepen our relationships. Show us your heart tonight for our wholeness. Amen. 


This semester in Group focuses on the topic of Healing. 


The below questions serve as a guide to conversation. Select those which you feel will spark conversation, depth and growth in understanding. 

We found out that sickness/disease/weakness came when Adam sinned and is enforced by satan, that we all sin, but when we turned to Jesus, He provided atonement for us (atoned recovery). Sickness is a curse and Bible says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.  

How do you process the following thoughts…are they new ideas to you?

  1. Sickness, weakness and disorder began when Adam and Eve sinned. The original sin came upon all of humankind. There wasn't sickness in God's perfect Garden and there won't be sickness in God's perfect heaven. QUESTION:  How do you feel about the fact that God's universal "will" is for ALL to be whole? Why do you think people blame God for controlling our experience of grevious suffering?
  2. The story of PARALYTIC MAN coming down through the roof—Jesus said “your sins are forgiven-be healed". Jesus put healing on same level as forgiveness of sins. QUESTION:  What does it mean to you that forgiveness is universally available to you and all people in any circumstance? Can you trust Him for forgiveness?
  3. The LADY BOWED OVER—Jesus said she SHOULD be healed - 1) Because she was daughter of Abraham, or simply that she was in relationship with God and 2) Because satan (not God) had bound her for 18 years. Jesus said, this lady "ought to be healed." But for 18 years she didn’t experience healing, even though it was God’s will. QUESTION:  How do you reconcile God's Redemptive "will" (and what SHOULD be in our lives) with what you are presently experiencing? How do you make sense of suffering in light of this truth?
  4. Share an "ah-ha" insight, or challenging thought, from tonight's video. 


(Encourage others to pray, gaining confidence in public prayer in a safe environment) 

EXAMPLE PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, we ask for deeper understanding of Your Word, specifically regarding healing.  This something we all need.  Help us get revelation on this, open the eyes of our hearts so we can understand all you have provided for us.  We ask for your blessings on each of us this week.  In Jesus Name, Amen



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