Who were you closest to when you were 10 years old?



Dear Heavenly Father, we ask for your wisdom and insight as we watch and discuss the video tonight. Annoint our fellowship together and help us connect further as a group.

In Jesus Name, Amen



This semester in Group focuses on the topic of RADIOACTIVE LOVE. 


To access the preaching notes for this session CLICK HERE .


The below questions serve as a guide to conversation.  Select those which you feel will spark conversation, depth and growth in understanding. 

  1. “You are never more healthy than when living in the energy of love (not the behavior of love, but the energy of love)” Why do you think this is hard for us?

  2. We talked about the phrase “when we hurt, we harden, when we harden, we become unhappy” What is an example of this in your life?

  3. Pastor talked about the need for us to be fully present with people and tap into the energy of love, do you ever find it hard to be “fully present” with people?

  4. What is the next step you can take to practice being Radioactive with hostile, disinterested etc people?


(Encourage others to pray, gaining confidence in public prayer in a safe environment) 

EXAMPLE PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, thank you for this opportunity to grow together and learn about the energy source of love, the force that is your nature.  May we consider this week how our bodies react to our activations of love.  May we hear you in the soft whisper in our hearts, helping us to develop healthy connections, that we may become all you intend us to be, in faith and confidence.  All for your kingdom, precious Jesus.  We love you.  Amen. 



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