What was one of the most important events in your life last year?


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this amazing group of people here tonight. We ask that you help us process and understand the Word you have for us tonight. In Jesus Name, Amen


To access the preaching notes for this session CLICK HERE .


The below questions serve as a guide to conversation.  Select those which you feel will spark conversation, depth and growth in understanding. 

  1. We learned that our personality is powered by love, that we don’t need more talents or gifts, but that operating in love adds to our talents/gifts. Have you ever wished for more talents/gifts to be better received/liked by others? What do you wish was different about yourself?

  2. I Corinthians 8:1 says that love edifies or builds us up, what do you think the result would be in your life if you were built up in God’s love? How would this affect how you interact with others and with God?

  3. Do you find yourself living life powered by anxiety? How can you be powered by love instead?

  4. 1 Peter 1:22 talks about loving with a pure heart; without protective or prejudiced walls. How has walling up affected your life? Can you sense when you are walling up?

  5. One of the greatest things about how God created us, is that He gave us the capacity to love. What can you do this week to focus on your capacity to love?



(Encourage others to pray, gaining confidence in public prayer in a safe environment) 

EXAMPLE PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, thank you for this opportunity to grow together and learn about the energy source of love, the force that is your nature.  May we consider this week how our bodies react to our activations of love.  May we hear you in the soft whisper in our hearts, helping us to develop healthy connections, that we may become all you intend us to be, in faith and confidence.  All for your kingdom, precious Jesus.  We love you.  Amen. 


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