MAN UP MONTHLIES 08 - Strongholds of the Enemy - Part 2



  1. What is one of the biggest take-aways you gained from today’s video and message?

  2. What picture do you see when God is called “FATHER?” Do you think of nurture, protection, acceptance without performance, etc.? Or does your wounds cause you to feel the “broken, jagged, piece of glass” as you process what a FATHER is supposed to be?


  3. Share an experience in your life where you were wounded by a parent or sibling; a wound that still sticks to you today?


  4. How does the wound from #3 you shared affect your sense of shame and cause you to panic in life?


  5. Have you ever shared about this wound before? What does it feel like for you to share? Does it make you feel weak, brave, stupid, or connected to others?

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