Dear LifePointe Parents,
Periodically I am asked if I know of any resources that help parents in guiding children through the interesting dialogue of sex education. And the answer is yes! There is a great set of age-appropriate books that you as a parent can sit down and share together with your children. I used these with our boys as we launched the conversation, all the way through to their early teen years.
These books give a tremendous discussion-point to launch from. I love it because sexuality should never be a one-off, "birds-and-bees" talk; it should be a lifelong conversation. These books establish your role as mentor and expert, and you can refer back to them for many sex related questions. The books also normalize sex as a topic of conversation with you, rather than a weird-me-out topic. I don't think any of us want our culture, nor our kid's friends, to be the source of their sex education.
The books describe, in age-appropriate language, the things that you want to say, taking the pressure off of you. To have a resource like this bridges the awkward gap of how to initiate the conversation.
Dr. Todd Bowmans book - Angry Birds and Killer Bees: Talking to Your Kids About Sex
The first 4 are as follows (click links to order) ...
And the final two I recommend in the line up below are...
Enjoy the parenting journey!!