How will 2018 be remembered? Will it be just another year, or will it be a year to be remembered? I believe God is setting you up for EXPONENTIAL growth and fruitfulness. EXPONENTIAL growth is exhibited by your rate of change of increase. For years you may have felt like you were only seeing INCREMENTAL changes. 2018 is a year that God is gracing us for EXPONENTIAL changes in every area of life.
Reflect on the years of feeling stuck, or working hard for the smallest wins. I believe where you have been stuck and stalled out, in 2018 you are going to be launched like a slingshot towards God’s plan. Where you have struggled for granular additions, you will begin to see significant multiplication. In 2018 we are moving from the INCREMENTAL to the EXPONENTIAL, from additions to multiplications.
Start the year off with our AWAKENING FAST, January 7 - 27. All the preparations and support events are at pointe.info/fast.
How will you live out your 2018?
COLOSSIANS 3:9-10 NIV Do not lie (project falsehood) to each other, since you have taken off your OLD SELF with its practices 10 and have put on the NEW SELF, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
JOEL 2:12-13 AMP Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and KEEP ON COMING to Me with ALL YOUR HEART, with FASTING, with weeping, and with mourning [UNTIL EVERY HINDRANCE IS REMOVED and the broken fellowship is restored].