(RE)PRESSED GOD - PART 2 - The Spirit Within
Pastor Monte Knudsen is a man on fire for God! He and his beautiful wife Peggy have 6 children of their own and have been foster parents for 15 years. Born and raised on a small farm in Harlan, Iowa, he now pastors Faith Christian Outreach Church in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. In more than 30 years of ministry, he has traveled all around the world preaching, teaching, and singing about what it takes to become a victorious Christian. Monte has a heart to bring God’s healing mercies to this generation. He has been a catalyst of physical and emotional healing in the 30-plus years he has been ministry. Miracle-level testimonies are consistently experienced as Jesus is glorified. Monte’s inspirational talks are filled with wisdom, knowledge and compassion. He is also a recording artist with the giftings of a psalmist. He and his wife Peggy have 6 children and have been foster parents for over 15 years.
Who is the Holy Spirit to you; not just theologically, but experientially?
How would you “define the relationship” you have with Him?
Is it important to you HOW you mentally view the Holy Spirit, in terms of your attitude towards Him? If so, why?
One of the most mysterious and amazing things Jesus prophesied to the believer is that the Holy Spirit would actually live inside them. What does that mean to YOU? HOW do you integrate this as a reality in everyday life (husband, dad, friend, entrepreneur, pastor, etc.)?
It is easy for us all as Christians to say we believe the Holy Spirit lives in us. What are some examples you see of how we allow gaps between what we want to believe and what we actually have integrated/activated into our lives?