How you begin a year
has a lot to do
with how you finish a year!
Let’s launch 2019
from the healthiest position possible.
We are coming out of the gates with…
Our hearts on fire
Our emotions being healthy
Our vision being clear
Our faith being charged
We want to start the year from a position of …
Our greatest place of contentment and peace
Our greatest attunement to spiritual things
Our greatest surge of joy and hope
Every year we begin the year at LifePointe with a 21-day spiritual fast.
For clarity, this fast is about setting ourselves apart to seek God.
It is NOT focused on who can go severe food deprivation. Everyone can tailor their food needs to their own desires.
We have created an entire system that ANYONE can engage, that will create radical advancement in their hearts experience with God.
In 2019 we want our spiritual lives to be at the priority, the core and center of our existence. We want to be “seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” to set the tone for everything else that is going to happen in our year.
Every year during the fast I get…
Overwhelming connection with God
Cleansing of toxins (emotionally and physically)
Fortitude to do what I need to do the rest of the year
Attunement to divine intellect
In a moment God can fix things you couldn’t manage in a lifetime
COLOSSIANS 3:9-10 NIV Do not lie (project falsehood) to each other, since you have taken off your OLD SELF with its practices 10 and have put on the NEW SELF, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
Our journey is to grow
from the false Self
toward the wholeness of the true Self.
1 PETER 1:22 NKJV (Peter said) Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in SINCERE (unfeigned, undisguised, without hypocrisy) love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart…
Throughout history, from Adam to each one of us today, we have used every means to color our projections, to protect ourselves. We use…
Shutting Down
…to protect ourselves. And the world gets a spun up version of ourselves, a version that we know isn’t even true. So the world gets a reduced, sterilized, filtered and hidden version of the divine greatness of God’s grace inside of us. We rob our generation from the joy that is our AUTHENTIC SELF.
JOEL 2:12-13 AMP Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and KEEP ON COMING to Me with ALL YOUR HEART, with FASTING, with weeping, and with mourning [UNTIL EVERY HINDRANCE IS REMOVED and the broken fellowship is restored].
So why do I fast? Why do I set aside focused intensity with God, with exploring the recesses of my heart, with seeking clarity – which is so much more than just not eating food?
I fast because I find that fasting helps me discover - without striving, without some complex processing – it’s almost as though it surprises me every year – that I am never closer to my TRUE SELF – I’m never a better image bearer of the divine image and likeness of God - THAN WHEN I FAST LIKE THIS.
It is being connected with God everyday
It is being in community with a bunch of people doing it with me
It is stripping off the emotional toxins
It is shutting down all the voices from media in my life – no TV, social media goes dark, no news, youtubes, escaping into entertainment
It is replenishing my heart with layers of intimacy
What I notice is that I don’t get snagging goobers anymore. All the clutter and the junk that weights down my mind and heart is cleansed. And I’m not TRYING to be my AUTHENTIC SELF, it is simply the spiritual fast components have stripped all the masks, walls, pretenses off.
It is simply…
21-Days of Worship
21-Days of Prayer
21-Days of Encouragement
21-Days of Devotions
21-Days of Revival Type Meetings
21-Days of washing in the water of God’s Word
21-Days of intentionally opening my heart in genuine humility
21-Days of pressing into places my restless flesh has avoided
21-Days of the Holy Spirit’s anointing drawing and affirming me
21-Days of an Awakening
…and at the end of 21-Days I find that at the end of it…
I am so content
I am so peaceful
I am so clear
I am so renewed
I am so connected
I am so seen and known
I am so happy
I am so pleased to be me – I’m not trying to be something else
There is a contentment that words cannot describe. There is a fulfillment that I am experiencing that doesn’t happen through achievement. It happens in this 21-Days of ever growing momentum with my God, and with my friends – with this Jesus who is REAL and has REDEEMED me with power.
What is fasting?
Why fast?
What are you fasting?
How intense?
How do i lead at home?
Foods & recipes
Special advice
Fasting calendars
Daily devotionals
Workshop courses
And more!
Man Up Weekend (Jan 4-5)
Red Ink Revival (Jan 11-13)
Sunday Night Firepit (Jan 6)
Wednesdays Awakenings
Friday Prayer/Worship (Jan 18)
Start Track Renewal Event (Jan 20)