Health, happiness and holistic fulfillment are the unspoken desires for every one of us. Jesus dreamed of building our lives in a “church.” His dream was not about building an institution. His dream is about giving people the systems, relationships and tools for a MOVEMENT; a movement for personal heart-transformation.
Where governments, academia, business and cultural success have failed to transform human hearts, this divine community called the “church” is the singular, commissioned-by-God, organization designed to be the hope to the world.
Church was never to be a merely a building to go to, or corporation to be controlled by, or the spiritual finish line to mark off. The church was to be the central powerhouse for a movement. Church is about leading people through the systems, relationships and tools that transform them at the deepest levels, and thereby transforming marriages, recovering addictions, healing relationships, empowering vocational aspirations, and breathing life into inspired-dreams; giving us a purpose to live… and die for.
When church attenders understand, integrate and apply the functions of this movement, it changes their lives, then they too become the embodiment of the movement to outsiders. This is how we arrive at our commission, to go into all the world and preach the gospel. If you desire life-change and deep purpose, join us for the entire series. We will MOVE your health, happiness and holistic fulfillment to new heights!
MATTHEW 16:18-19 NLT (Jesus said) Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I WILL BUILD my CHURCH, and all the POWERS OF HELL WILL NOT CONQUER IT. 19 And I will give you the KEYS OF THE KINGDOM of Heaven. Whatever you FORBID on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you PERMIT on earth will be permitted in heaven."
Church was never to be a merely…
- A building to GO TO,
- Or corporation to be CONTROLLED BY,
- Or the spiritual finish line to MARK OFF.
The church was to be the central powerhouse for a movement. Church is about leading people through the systems, relationships and tools that transform them at the deepest levels, and thereby transforming marriages, recovering addictions, healing relationships, empowering vocational aspirations, and breathing life into inspired-dreams; giving us a purpose to live… and die for.
When church attenders UNDERSTAND, INTEGRATE and APPLY THE FUNCTIONS of this movement, it changes their lives, then they too become the embodiment of the movement to outsiders. This is how we arrive at our commission, to go into all the world and preach the gospel.
- What is the BULLSEYE?
- What is our SYSTEM?
- Who are we TARGETING?
MARK 16:15 AMP (Jesus said) GO into all the world and PREACH and PUBLISH openly the GOOD NEWS(the GOSPEL) to every creature [of the WHOLE HUMAN RACE].
- PREACH – kēryssō - To share with gravity and authority!
- GOSPEL – euaggelion – evangelism/evangelist – enthusiastic advocate (Websters)
1 CORINTHIANS 14:1, 23-25 NKJV (Paul said) PURSUE LOVE, and desire spiritual [gifts], but especially that you may prophesy. ... 23 Therefore if the WHOLE CHURCH comes together in one place, and all SPEAK WITH TONGUES, and there come in [those who are] UNINFORMED or UNBELIEVERS, will they not say that YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND? SLIDE 15 24 But if all PROPHESY, and an unbeliever or an uninformed person comes in, he is CONVINCED BY ALL, he is CONVICTED BY ALL. 25 And thus the SECRETS OF HIS HEART ARE REVEALED; and so, falling down on [his] face, HE WILL WORSHIP GOD and report that GOD IS TRULY AMONG YOU.
1 CORINTHIANS 9:19-23 NKJV (Paul said) For though I am free from all [men], I have made myself a SERVANT to all, that I MIGHT WIN THE MORE; 20 and to the JEWS I became as a Jew, that I might WIN JEWS; …21 to those [who are] WITHOUT LAW (GREEKS/GENTILES), …that I might WIN THOSE [WHO ARE] WITHOUT LAW; 22 … I have become ALL THINGS TO ALL [MEN], THAT I MIGHT BY ALL MEANS SAVE SOME. 23 Now this I do for the GOSPEL'S sake, that I may be partaker of it WITH [YOU].
1 CORINTHIANS 1:22 NKJV (Paul said) For JEWS request a SIGN, and GREEKS seek after WISDOM;
Do we have a TARGET audience and WHY?
- Non-believers
- Untaught believers
- 25-35 year-olds
- Educated
- Higher Income
- Skeptical
- Social Media Matters
- Wants it REAL
What is the BEST WAY to REACH THEM?
- 47.06% - Friend/Family Invited Me
- 21.57% - Web Search
- 13.73% - TV Commercial
- 13.73% - Other (Web Partner Referral)
- 01.96% - Postcard
- 01.96% - Street Banner/Drive By Campus
- Relational Investments
- Personal Invite
- Shared Social Media
- LifePointe Global Media Platform (Website, Podcast, Etc.)
- Bridge Events
- Conferences (Marriage, Parenting, etc.)
- Family Fun (Trunk/Treat)
- Community Service Projects
What if my friends come when I am SERVING?
- Remember that fruitfulness is our mission
- Let them see your enthusiasm for the role
- Ask them to meet you after your “shift” for lunch
- Have them text you when they arrive so you can hop over to say hello
What can I do NOW to help LP REACH OUT?
- Love your church (live in harmony!)
- Be an enthusiastic advocate (it’s all about attitude!)
- Share relentlessly on social media
- Surrender judgmentalism and political opinions
- Utilize invite cards - invite weekly
How do we measure a WIN?
- How many SOCIAL MEDIA posts and shares?
- How many INVITE CARDS am I/are we giving?
- How many VISITORS came?
1 CORINTHIANS 1:10 NLT (Paul said) I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to LIVE IN HARMONY with each other. Let there be NO DIVISIONS in the CHURCH. Rather, be of ONE MIND, UNITED in THOUGHT and PURPOSE.