What is something you like to do that seems out of the ordinary?
PRAYER EXAMPLE: Father, we come to ask you to manifest your heart to us tonight. We want to think with your thoughts, feel your heart and know your ways. We ask the Holy Spirit to gives us the supernatural ability to know and understand. Our greatest desire is to know you deeply, and be securely attached, never questioning your presence and protection. Help us to see you as our HEALER!
This semester in Group focuses on the topic of Healing.
The below questions serve as a guide to conversation. Select those which you feel will spark conversation, depth and growth in understanding.
- In this season of your life, do you feel close to God or distant from God? Why?
- We move toward our mental image of God. So a most important question to ask ourselves is, "Who is God and What’s He Like?". When you think of God as Healer, who is He and what is He like?
- Theology and Doctrine feel like weapons for debate or a fight, but you can’t have healthy attachment to God if you think He is abandoning you. Do you feel God is for you or against you? How important is doctrinal study, research and understanding to you?
(Encourage others to pray, gaining confidence in public prayer in a safe environment)
EXAMPLE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for this opportunity to grow together and learn about healing and Redemption. May we consider this week your heart as our Healer, even in the midst of pain and disappointments. May we hear you in the soft whisper in our hearts, helping us to develop healthy attachment, that we may become all you intend us to be, in faith and confidence. All for your kingdom, precious Jesus. We love you. Amen.